Past Sermons

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Counterfeit Jesus

The counterfeit version of Jesus that we’re investigating today has a very simple message for the world: JUDGE NOT! Those appear to be the only two words this Jesus ever spoke. Apparently, this version of Jesus believes that it is always wrong to tell someone that they have done something wrong. Can you see the problem with that worldview? (Hint: it’s self-defeating...) Well, that’s just the beginning of the problems when it comes to this counterfeit. We’re about to learn more in today’s teaching.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Counterfeit Jesus

The "SOCIALIST" Jesus is a counterfeit version of Jesus that believes that poverty is next to godliness. He believes the less you have, the more you’re blessed. In this message, we’re going to discover that this kind of thinking is rooted in Dualism and that the real Jesus never actually taught or believed this. So, what did the real Jesus actually teach when it came to earthly possessions and our relationship with our stuff? How you answer that question will reveal a lot about what you own and what really owns you.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Counterfeit Jesus

There are versions of Jesus that – on the surface – look like the real thing, however, upon closer inspection, they are exposed as counterfeits. Today, we are exposing and debunking the “ANTI-EVANGELISM” version of Jesus. This is the Jesus that tells us all religions are basically the same. This is the Jesus that tells us it doesn’t really matter what you believe, as long as you’re sincere and do your best. We will contrast the “ANTI-EVANGELISM” Jesus with the “real” Jesus that is depicted in the Bible, and we will discover that this version falls far short of the real thing!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Counterfeit Jesus

There are versions of Jesus that – on the surface – look like the real thing, however, upon closer inspection, they are exposed as counterfeits. Today we are looking at the counterfeit known as the “Everyman” Jesus. This is the Jesus who was exactly like us, just a better and more accomplished version than us. This version of Jesus is nothing more than a good example for us. We will contrast the “Everyman” Jesus with the “real” Jesus that is depicted in the Bible, and we will discover that the “Everyman” version falls far short of the real version.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Big Picture

Have you ever read something that Jesus said, and wondered why he would say such a thing? For example: after watching Jesus perform a bunch of miracles, his followers inform him that they have finally come to the realization that he is the promised Messiah. And how does Jesus respond? “Then Jesus ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.” (Matthew 16:20) What?! Why would he say that? There’s a reason for Jesus’ response. There’s a very good reason for it. And, in Act Four of this series, we are going to discover that reason. It will all make sense when we understand the context, the back story, the BIG PICTURE of Jesus’ words.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Confusing moments in the life of Jesus

If I do something really bad, will God always forgive me? Can I ever be “too far gone”? How far can I push the limits of God’s grace and forgiveness? Have you ever wondered if there is an unforgivable sin? Actually, according to Jesus, there is! Well, what is it? How can I know I am not committing this “sin” by accident? How do I know I have not already committed it? And how is it possible for an all-loving God to NOT forgive my sin? That’s exactly what we will be unpacking in today’s message.

Week 2
Sunday, June 18, 2023

Life Hacks

Over the years we’ve been asked a lot of questions like: “Is it ok to get a TATTOO?” or, “What about a PIERCING?” or, “What makes an outfit appropriate or inappropriate?” We’ve been asked to serve as some kind of Theological Fashionista! But what they are really wanting to know is DOES GOD CARE HOW WE LOOK? Today we are going to learn from the wise advice of the Apostle Paul as he deals with a tricky 1st Century fashion dilemma full of deeply rooted cultural dynamics, and apply a profound LIFE HACK directly to our 21st Century lives when it comes to our appearance.

Week 13
Sunday, June 4, 2023

Life Hacks

Is experiencing a miracle a sign of spiritual maturity? Are outward signs of blessing a direct result of inward signs of health? Today we are going to discover that things are not always as they appear as dive into the world of what it means to be spiritually healthy vs being spiritually sick. There are lots we can learn from the early Christ followers in the ancient city of Corinth and their ancestors, the Nation of Israel. Using them as an example to us, today we are going to take our own spiritual pulse and assess how we’re doing on the inside!

Week 11
Sunday, August 21, 2022

YAFI 2022

With 1000’s of people watching Broadway Church Online each week and with the new influx of interest in Online Church, it comes as no surprise that people are wondering what will happen to the future of the IN-PERSON Church gathering. Is the future of the Church in jeopardy? Are there advantages to attending Church in person rather than online, or is online better? Pastor Simon unpacks these questions by outlining the 5 purposes of the Church, what it is, and where it came from. He also has a special message just for our online audience. If you attend Church Online, you’re not going to want to miss this week!

Week 9

Sermon Series

You Asked For It

You Asked For It

July 14, 2024

How (NOT) to Read the Bible

How (NOT) to Read the Bible

June 2, 2024

The Counterfeit Jesus

The Counterfeit Jesus

April 7, 2024

Big Picture

Big Picture

February 18, 2024

Standing on a mountain top can help us get a better sense of ‘the lay of the land’. It helps us to see how the roads intersect and how everything connects. In this series, we are going to view the entire story of the Bible from a ‘mountain top’ perspective. We are going to divide the entire human drama into six, ‘big picture’ acts.

Financial Wisdom

Financial Wisdom

January 21, 2024

Christmas Triggers

Christmas Triggers

December 10, 2023

Evil - Sermon Series

Evil - Sermon Series

November 19, 2023

Everywhere you go, anywhere you turn, there is evil. Greed, lust, anger, hate - these things run rampant in our world today. It’s easy to look around and think, “Why would a good and loving God allow such things to happen? Why doesn’t he stop this? When will he step in?” These are the questions that this series aims to tackle, equipping every Christ-follower to respond to evil in an honourable way.

Confusing moments in the life of Jesus

Confusing moments in the life of Jesus

October 22, 2023

Parenting during the darkness

Parenting during the darkness

October 1, 2023

Without a doubt, the most challenging (and rewarding) role a human being could ever have is the challenge of being a parent. Being given the responsibility of protecting and directing the life of an impressionable and vulnerable human being is daunting. While it is undeniably challenging, it is usually filled with moments of great joy. However, there can also be moments of great trial. There can be moments of chaos and moments of fear. This series is dedicated to those moments. This series is dedicated to equipping followers of Jesus for the moments when we find ourselves “parenting during the darkness...”



August 20, 2023

Easter Sunday 2023

Easter Sunday 2023

April 8, 2023

Money, Sex, Power - Sermon Series

Money, Sex, Power - Sermon Series

January 8, 2023

Christmas at Broadway

Christmas at Broadway

December 25, 2022

Stuck Sermon Series

Stuck Sermon Series

November 20, 2022

God's Won't and God's Will - Sermon Series

God's Won't and God's Will - Sermon Series

October 30, 2022

Really Bad Examples sermon series

Really Bad Examples sermon series

September 25, 2022

How To Be Spiritual Without Being Weird

How To Be Spiritual Without Being Weird

May 22, 2022

Better U - 2022

Better U - 2022

April 24, 2022

Invitations From God Sermon Series

Invitations From God Sermon Series

February 6, 2022

Life is filled with invitations: options from someone to go somewhere or to do something new. Not all invitations are created equal. Some invitations excite us excite. Other invitations terrify us. It really depends upon who is doing the inviting. Did you know that God is constantly inviting you to step into new territory? Did you know that you have invitations from God, waiting in the inbox of your life? It’s true. In this series we are going to take the time to open those invitations so that we can listen for His voice: to discover what He is saying and where He is leading.

Global Outreach Sunday

Global Outreach Sunday

January 30, 2022

School Of Generosity

School Of Generosity

January 8, 2022

Vision Cast Sunday

Vision Cast Sunday

January 2, 2022

God at Work

God at Work

December 26, 2021

When I Think of Christmas - Sermon Series

When I Think of Christmas - Sermon Series

December 5, 2021

He Was So I Am

He Was So I Am

November 7, 2021

Stranger Stories Sermon Series

Stranger Stories Sermon Series

September 26, 2021

Stranger Stories Sermon Series  - Season 2

Stranger Stories Sermon Series - Season 2

September 19, 2021

Ancient Tweets - Sermon Series

Ancient Tweets - Sermon Series

June 27, 2021

Unity In Mission (John 17)

Unity In Mission (John 17)

June 13, 2021

In The Wilderness

In The Wilderness

June 4, 2021

Encountering Jesus

Encountering Jesus

April 20, 2021

Better You

Better You

February 18, 2021

Tell me Why

Tell me Why

January 10, 2021

Holy Spirit University

Holy Spirit University

October 22, 2019

Life. Lessons - Sermon Series

Life. Lessons - Sermon Series

January 13, 2019

The view from an airplane at 30,000 feet is very different from the view from the ground. Looking at a life from a distance of centuries is very different from looking at a life as it is being lived. In this series, we are going to take the 30,000-foot view of some lives that were lived thousands of years ago. Using the benefit of this 'bigger picture perspective' we are going to glean some practical truths. The ingredients in this series are simple: life + lessons

A Magnifycent Christmas - Sermon Series

A Magnifycent Christmas - Sermon Series

December 5, 2018

I love looking through microscopes. Microscopes magnify reality. Microscopes help you to see what you missed with the naked eye. Microscopes reveal things that were always there, but that you hadn’t noticed. In this series, we are going to place the Christmas story under a microscope, and in doing so, we’re going to discover some truths that we didn’t know were there...

The Healing Hotspot - Sermon Series

The Healing Hotspot - Sermon Series

September 5, 2018

2 Chronicles 7:14. It is one of the most beloved passages in the entire Bible. And it’s beloved for a reason: it lays out a pathway between where we ‘are’ and where we ‘need to be’. It lays out some powerful principles that are active in a life that is following Jesus Christ. In this series, we’re going to unpack these principles together...

The Pursuit - Sermon Series

The Pursuit - Sermon Series

July 8, 2018

David is called “a man after God’s own heart.” He lived his life in pursuit of God. That doesn’t mean he was perfect though. In his life-long pursuit, David made some good and some bad decisions. We are going to look at a few events in the life of David, and see what we can apply to our own lives.

Naturally Supernatural - Sermon Series

Naturally Supernatural - Sermon Series

June 3, 2018

The word “supernatural” means “above or beyond what is natural.” It is “above or beyond” what one experiences in the ordinary. It is extraordinary. And it is what every Christ-follower should expect in their life. As a follower of Jesus Christ, we should be “naturally supernatural.” In this series, we are going to discover just what that means...

Life's Big Questions

Life's Big Questions

April 8, 2018

Blessed - Sermon Series

Blessed - Sermon Series

January 1, 2018

What I love about Jesus - Sermon Series

What I love about Jesus - Sermon Series

December 1, 2017

Money: Plain & Simple - Sermon Series

Money: Plain & Simple - Sermon Series

November 11, 2017

So often we get confused when it comes to money. Is it good or is it evil? Are we supposed to have lots or are we supposed to have little? And what are we supposed to do with what we have? Like I said, we often get confused when it comes to money. In reality, it’s really quite simple. The Biblical teaching regarding money can be boiled down to three basic truths.

It - Sermon Series

It - Sermon Series

November 1, 2017

Purest Love Imaginable - Sermon Series

Purest Love Imaginable - Sermon Series

October 1, 2017

Heaven Rules - Sermon

Heaven Rules - Sermon

June 11, 2017

First World Problems - Sermon Series

First World Problems - Sermon Series

June 4, 2017

Listen - Sermon Series

Listen - Sermon Series

March 26, 2017

GROW - Vision Cast

GROW - Vision Cast

February 19, 2017

This Little Light Of Mine

This Little Light Of Mine

February 5, 2017

SOS - Sermon Series

SOS - Sermon Series

January 15, 2017

Wise Gifts - Sermon Series

Wise Gifts - Sermon Series

December 4, 2016

Smart Money - Sermon Series

Smart Money - Sermon Series

November 13, 2016

Canadian Idol - Sermon Series

Canadian Idol - Sermon Series

November 8, 2016

You Can't Cram For God's Exam - Sermon

You Can't Cram For God's Exam - Sermon

November 6, 2016

Call Me - Sermon Series

Call Me - Sermon Series

October 23, 2016



September 18, 2016



May 8, 2016

Relentless Pursuit - Sermon Series

Relentless Pursuit - Sermon Series

April 24, 2016

Life  Leeches

Life Leeches

February 14, 2016

What Matters Most to God?

What Matters Most to God?

January 31, 2016

It's a Wonderful (after) Life - Sermon Series

It's a Wonderful (after) Life - Sermon Series

January 3, 2016

How to Raise a Miracle - Sermon Series

How to Raise a Miracle - Sermon Series

December 6, 2015

The Last Chapter

The Last Chapter

November 29, 2015

Monsters Under the Bed

Monsters Under the Bed

October 25, 2015

In Season - Out of Season - Sermon

In Season - Out of Season - Sermon

October 15, 2015

Stronger - Sermon Series

Stronger - Sermon Series

September 20, 2015

Stories - Sermon Series

Stories - Sermon Series

June 18, 2015

Holy Spirit Sunday

Holy Spirit Sunday

June 7, 2015

Past Sunday Bible Class

Bible Classes

Skeptic 2024

February 25, 2024

The Gospel According to John

January 16, 2024

Witnesses to a Miracle - Advent Reflection

December 1, 2023

Women in Ministry

October 5, 2023

Letters to Timothy

January 24, 2023

Sex, Gender, Souls and Bodies - Bible Class

January 11, 2023

Story - Theirs, yours, Gods

December 16, 2022

Christology: The Study of Christ

October 5, 2022

Discovering Your Divine Design

August 9, 2022

Resilient Faith - Bible Class

July 5, 2022

The Doctrine of the Trinity - Bible Class

May 10, 2022

Invitations From God - Adult Bible Class

February 24, 2022

The Jesus Creed

December 30, 2021

The Book of Hebrews

October 12, 2021

The Book of Revelation

August 27, 2021

Acts: The Spirit-Filled Community

August 27, 2021

Doctrine of Salvation

August 27, 2021

The Gospel of Mark

August 27, 2021

Evidence For the Resurrection of Jesus

August 27, 2021

The Doctrine of Man

August 27, 2021

Financial Freedom

August 27, 2021

The Doctrine of Revelation

August 27, 2021

The Doctrine of God

August 27, 2021

Broadway Worship


Broadway Stories


© 2024 Broadway Church. All rights reserved

2700 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8
BROADWAY CHURCH (604) 253 2700 - CITYREACH (604) 254 2489
Charity #10681 2811RR0001 - Broadway Church. 2018

Broadway Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

“Broadway Church recognizes that we serve God upon land historically stewarded by the Indigenous peoples.  
With all honor, dignity, and respect, we pray for and seek reconciliation, just as Christ has reconciled us.”